Friday, September 16, 2005

Prairie Harvest Days

I need to preface this post by saying that I worked for four consecutive summers as a carnie. I was a part time carnie since I still have my teeth and don't reek like cabbage. I worked for Wentz foods and made the best funnelcakes to be found at any fair. Most of the fairs I worked where meduim to large in scale.

Knowing this I shall get on with my post. Tonight, I ventured up town to Mason City's big town festival, Prairie Harvest Days. Ever since I arrived in the Big MC I have heard about PHD. Everyone talks about it like it is the biggest thing since sliced bread, and let me tell ya sliced bread is a big deal without it we could not have sammiches, but I digress. I went up to the fest with images from my funnelcakin days floatin in my head. Boy was I wrong. There were a few rides, one fair style concession booth, some stick joints (food tents, sorry that was carnie lingo), and some locals selling various foodstuffs. All in all I was immensely dissapointed in it. But I hear tommorow will be better. There is supposed to be tomahawk throwing, and that could lead to some scalpin, yeah...


Anonymous said...

yea. Prarie Harvest sucked.

Anonymous said...

this comment has nothing to do with this post...more so other posts...but maybe the nice girls find you intimidating

Super Dave said...

why would nice girls find me intimidating? or how do they find me intimidating?

Anonymous said...

i honestly cannot really pin point what it is. you seem to carry yourself with a certian confidence that just kinda says your comfortable with yourself which can make someone who doesn't have that same confidence be intimidated. not a bad thing by any means...but just an observation...and it could be completely wrong at that.

Super Dave said...

that seems fair although it seems like a lose lose situation, for some girls you have to be very confident but for others you can be too confident, either way i seem to be lose