Monday, February 22, 2010

The Shack and Other Readings

Well, so much for posting every couple weeks.  I can give excuses that are plausible and reasonably legitimate.  November led into the Holiday Season.  Thanksgiving is the gateway into Christmas then New Years.  Ministry and work became very busy following Thanksgiving.  Then, Joanna and I traveled back to IL for 11 days on Christmas.  Once we returned to the NH the next couple weeks I was focused on getting back to normal and catching up on what I had gotten behind on.  Now, I have caught up and have implemented some new disciplines into my life.  New in sense that a used car is new.  I did not think of them and have done these disciplines before but I have not consistently done them in awhile.  In January, I started a year long Bible reading plan.  By Dec 31, I will have read every verse in scripture in a year.  I am currently in the book of Exodus and the gospel of Matthew.  Bible reading is not one of the new disciplines.  I have been devotionally reading the Bible for many years, but this is my first time with a read the Bible in a year plan.  The second discipline came out of listening to Dr. William Lane Craig's Reasonable Faith podcast.  In one of the podcasts, Dr. Craig spoke about his personal devotional time.  He mentioned the he reads at least 2 pages a day of book on Church History (the actual work escapes me at the moment).  Inspired by this, I have begun to read at least 2 pages a day of Theology for the Community of God by Stanley Grenz to sharpen my theological thinking.  I am planning on reading The Gagging of God by D. A. Carson following Grenz' work.  As an added piece to my devotional time, I am reading 1 chapter a day of a christian living/leadership/ministry related book.  Tomorrow I will finish Revelation's Rhapsody: Listening to the Lyrics of the Lamb by Dr. Robert Lowery.  (If you have not read this book on Revelation, you should!  I can't recommend this book highly enough!)  I am also in the middle of Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit by Francis Chan.  It has been a challenging and inspiring read so far.

On a separate yet related note, I finished reading The Shack by William Young last week.  I had heard mixed reviews but I was interested.  I thought it was a very good book.  I did not find anything that I completely disagreed with in the book.  I though his portrayal of God was consistent and understandable in the story.  The picture he painted of Jesus was beautiful.  I was moved by the scene of creation worshipping Christ.  I long to see that day when all will be set right and I see my Savior.  I was reminded while reading the Shack and Theology for the Community of God that God is love.  Love is not just an attribute of God, but love is a part of who God is.  The love I see and experience today is a shadow compared to real love.  The love I try to give is weak compared to the love of God.  This does sadden or frustrate me.  Instead, I am in awe.  I am in awe that God is love and that he has revealed that love to me through his Son.  The scars my Savior bears are the wounds of love.  He carries them so that all will know the depth of his love for me!

What are you reading?

What are your thoughts on The Shack?
