Monday, September 26, 2005

The Age of My Discontent

For the last couple weeks, I have been in a place where I lack contentment. The overall feel of my life is good. Its fun. Its exciting. Its Super. But one area gnaws at my spirit. It slowly seeps the life out of my heart no matter what I do, I continue to battle this lack of contenment. In ages past, I was able to be content no matter the circumstances. This area was the same but I was ok, I was content. As of late, a feeling of despair has set in. I don't know how to overcome it and return to a place of contentment. I know what scripture says. I know that God is good. I know patience is key. I know the best things come to those who trust and wait. Despite knowing all this, I ache. I cast my cares up to the Lord, and yet they remain. Is this my thorn to bear? Will it remain all my days? How long o Lord, how long?

Friday, September 16, 2005

Prairie Harvest Days

I need to preface this post by saying that I worked for four consecutive summers as a carnie. I was a part time carnie since I still have my teeth and don't reek like cabbage. I worked for Wentz foods and made the best funnelcakes to be found at any fair. Most of the fairs I worked where meduim to large in scale.

Knowing this I shall get on with my post. Tonight, I ventured up town to Mason City's big town festival, Prairie Harvest Days. Ever since I arrived in the Big MC I have heard about PHD. Everyone talks about it like it is the biggest thing since sliced bread, and let me tell ya sliced bread is a big deal without it we could not have sammiches, but I digress. I went up to the fest with images from my funnelcakin days floatin in my head. Boy was I wrong. There were a few rides, one fair style concession booth, some stick joints (food tents, sorry that was carnie lingo), and some locals selling various foodstuffs. All in all I was immensely dissapointed in it. But I hear tommorow will be better. There is supposed to be tomahawk throwing, and that could lead to some scalpin, yeah...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Friends! or Friends?

Many things in my life have changed in the last year. I moved out of my parent's house for good. I began my first full time ministry. I finally got past the second date barrier. I graduated from college. I began graduate work in seminary. I bought a motorcycle. Etc...

Even though all these things have changed, my social life and social circle has remained the same in many ways. I live in Mason City which is 20 miles from Lincoln so most of my social cirlce is made up of people who are students at LCC. My question for all of you who read this blog, now that I am in seminary should my time spent hanging out with college students change? I know where I come down on this question but I am curious what you think...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Cemetary Wanderings

It has begun. I have officially started my trek through the graveside manner of cemetary at LCS. I have to say it is not as bad as I first thought it might be. I thought it might have about as much life in it as the Golden Girls (appears alive on the surface, but in reality its just a snooze fest). But there are actually some people in seminary that are alive and kicking. Boy, was I suprised. I am taking two semester long courses as well as an intensive week class. It should be an interesting semester. Although, the female population in seminary appears limited so my curse will most likely continue. My goal for the seminary is to raise the dead, it may not be as tough as anticipated, but I wanna see a dead man walk. We shall see...