Tuesday, November 01, 2011


"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power."
1 Corinthians 2:4-5

Since sometime early Sunday morning, we have been without power. No power at home. No power at the church building. We have been blessed that we still have heat and hot water at our apartment. The lack of power has been an inconvenience but not life threatening or even discomforting. We have candles to see and read. We have warm blankets to slide under. We have hot water to shower. Even though, I have realized that my life looks different without power. I do not behave in the same way. I do not do the same things. My routine and my life change when without power.

My lack of electrical power cannot be helped. There is nothing I can do to restore power. I am not a line man working to restore power, but I am thankful and blessed for all their hard work to do so. That power is beyond my control, but too often I let my life remain powerless. I know the source of power, the living God. I know what I must do in order to be empowered by him yet I find myself not doing what is needed. My days slip away without taking the time necessary to connect to God. I don't stop to pray. When I do, I pray quick empty prayers, not prayers of boldness and passion. I need to remain connected to the Power of the Living God. I must be steadfast in prayer, praying bold God sized prayers expectant so witness his power! As I do so, my life changes. It changes for the better.

Does your life have power?

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