Thursday, February 03, 2011


I am intrigued by passage of scripture found in Mark 8:22-26.  In this passage, Jesus comes to the town of Bethsaida.  When he gets there, some people bring him a blind man.  They beg Jesus to touch him.  Jesus takes the man by the hand and leads him outside the village where he spits on his eyes and puts his hands on the man.  Then, Jesus asks a penetrating question, "Do you see anything?" The man looks up and says, "I see people, they look like trees walking around."  Jesus put his hands on the eyes one more time and it says that his eyes were opened, his sight restored, and he saw everything clearly. 

I find this story very intriguing.  Maybe part of the reason is my own vision problems.  If I don't wear my glasses or contacts things far away become very blurry. People could appear to be trees. Yet, the bigger issue for me is not my physical sight. I think what draws me to this passage has to do with spiritual vision. When it comes to spiritual vision, my sight can become blurry.  If Jesus were to ask me, do you see anything? Would I be able to respond with more than blurryness?

Vision is important in the life of the disciple of Christ.  God wants us to see clearly.  He wants us to see clearly who we are? Do you see yourself clearly? God speaks very clearly in scripture about his vision for us. He says that we are chosen, blessed, powerful, clothed with Christ, saints, workmen, servants, and more than conquerors.  There are days that I don't see myself that way. I see a sinner, weak, small, doubtful, and less than deserving.  But that is not who I am.  God wants me to see clearly who I am. A man called by him, chosen for the work before me, empowered by his Spirit to do his work.  There is no room for shrinking, only room for growing. Christ has called me to dream big, to love much, to press on, to keep my head high, to be his, and to lead under his direction. He has given me a fire in my bones to proclaim his word, to teach and equip his people for works of service. God has given to each of us a vision for how we fit in his kingdom. 

If Jesus asks you, do you see anything? How would you respond? Do you see people that look like trees or do you see clearly who he has called you to be and the mission he has laid before you?

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