The Path or the road is a frequent idea in the Bible. We are called to walk in the good way to ask for the ancient paths in Jeremiah. Jesus tells us that narrow is the way that leads to life. Isaiah says that the path of the rigtheous is level. Hebrews tells us that those God loves he disciplines. His discipline trains us for the journey. I look back on my path of the broken road and see that God was making a level path for me. The brokeness of my journey strengthened me. It molded me and shaped me. The path we walk shapes us. The ancients understood life as a maze. Each step in the maze was a step of faith with only enough light to see the step ahead. These steps took faith to trust the one who made the maze. That the Creator had a destination in mind. A destination of good and not ill. At times, my path has been painful and I anticipate those broken places will come again, but I trust that the one who knows my path is leading me towards good and not ill. Each step brings me closer to my destination, the home he has prepared for me. I will keep walking my broken road trusting that my paths will be made level and straight.
"Trust in Yahweh with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6