Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Faith That Transforms

This past Sunday, we continued our series "Real Faith" on the book of James.  This week, we looked at James 1:19-27.  We zoned in on how real faith is demonstrated by transformed lives.  James ends this section with this verse, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  James sums up this section by reminding us that transformation occurs when we have two important things happening in our lives.  He says care for oprhans and widows, which means to help the helpless.  He is urging us to social action.  Real Faith acts.  It is not about knowing or believing the right things.  That is part of it.  It is about doing the right things, helping the helpless.  The second thing is to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  He is calling us to pursue holiness, to rid ourselves of moral filth and decay.  Real Faith pursue holiness with passion and acts to help the helpless.  As an action out of the sermon, we had representatives from Love146 share with us how to get involved to help in the fight against human trafficking. 

Here are some ways that we can help (from 146 ways to get involved):

1) Memorize and share the statistics about child sex slavery
2) Post Love146.org as an interest on your facebook page
3) Write Love146.org on all your paper money
4) Send the video of Love146.org on youtube to family and friends
5) Organize a Love146 house party and invite your friends
6) Tell people about Love146.org on your voicemail message
7) Organize a Love146.org Task Force in your area

Real Faith Helps the Helpless...Love146.org

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