Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Arise My Love

As I examine my life, I notice that I tend to go (like most of us) through hills and valleys. Lately, I have been in an valley. My spiritual life has been good. My time with God has been productive. I have felt God's presence and blessing in my life. But at times, I find myself shrinking. I begin to shrink into myself. I stop living out my warrior calling. I become frightened. I lack courage. This leads to becoming unmotivated and lazy. I start simply going through the motions. I stop pushing myself. I quit trying to better myself. But, God in his infinite mercy and grace does not let me lie dormant. He uses circumstances, people, and events to expose my fear. He begins putting me in situations where I have to stand up and be courageous. He calls me out. Arise my love. Awaken. Take up the weapons at your feet. Stand Firm. Fight. Live. Move. Arise my love. The battle is joined before you and your strength is needed. Your wisdom is needed. Your talents are needed. You are needed. Again, I have been wakened from my slumber. I have fears, but my God is bigger than them. I have concerns but he is greater. I have power, not by my doing, but from his loving hand. Arise my love. Wake up o sleeper! Be strong and courageous! Stand Firm! Remember your first love! Arise. Awaken. Fight. Stand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

inspiring and timely, dave. thanks!