Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Name Game

Buckle your seatbelts, hold on tight, place all valuable eyewear in a secure place, get ready for a good ole fashioned rant!

One of my biggest pet peeves in the blogosphere are anonymous commenters. People will come post a comment and not leave a name. Sometimes they post good things, sometimes they post bad things, sometimes they are flat out mean. Yet they never tell you who they were. It could be they simply aren't smart enough to figure out that even though they have to log on as anonymous they can still leave their name at the bottom.

An example:

anonymous said...
i think super dave smells like cabbage.
-Super Dave
12:00 PM, January 5, 2006

See, it's not that hard to do. You may not have blogger, but you can still identify who you are. Some people may say they don't want to leave their name because they are afraid of the repercussions from what they said. Hey if you aren't man or woman enough to deal with the consequences of what you say, then don't say it. Stop being wimps and wusses who aren't willing to stand up and be recognized. Anonymous comments piss me off, but if you talk crap about me in an anonymous comment, I won't respond. I will get pissed, but I won't let it eat at me. I will forget about it. It will carry no real weight with me. I will only get pissed because you didn't have the guts to reveal yourself. What you say will make no difference to me if you don't have the dignity to say who you are.

The moral of my rant, don't post anonymous comments without saying who you are. If you do, I will delete it!


Anonymous said...

You're right... you do smell like cabbage

Lucas said...

I share your enthusiasim Dave and can't help but think this post is inspired by Squeeky's blog.

But that is the risk of the internet. I would love it if only the people I know could read and comment on my blog, but it is the internet and when we post it is out there.

And let's face it there are a lot of true cowards out there. But everyone can be tough on the internet.

Let's go pick a fight in real life and see what happens.

Super Dave said...

i'm game to pick a fight. I might get the crap kicked out of me, but at least I'll go down swinging.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so in light of your blog, I naturally had to do this sdave...but instead of posting a mean comment, I thought I'd post something nice and maybe bring your opinion of anonymous commentors up a notch.
SuperDave is the bomb dig, the shiznit and everything that was ever cool and smelly (in a good way).

Super Dave said...

dear sir or ma'am,

thank you for the compliments, but you left it as freaking anonymous, i hate that, so please come back and state who you are, thank your friendly neighborhood super dave.

Anonymous said...

Hi Superdave. I am a blogspot coward. Oh the agony...the shame...the craziness of it all...
This is my annonymous comment and you shall never know who I am...mwahaha...MWAhahaha...MWAHAHAHAHAHA