“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16
Live Love.
God has called each of us to be his people in this community. We have been chosen to be a part of his kingdom. The foundation of that kingdom is Jesus Christ. Christ came to show us how to be the kingdom while living in a broken world. The words, the actions, the pulse of the kingdom is love.
Love has many forms, romantic love, puppy love, tough love…each one is different but all contain the same essence. Love is giving what is needed no matter the cost. Sometimes love hurts. It is painful to love someone. There is always the chance that they won’t return or acknowledge your love. But the kingdom is about love. Love is confronting a friend unrepentant of their sin. Love is providing for a need. Love is saying no to the easy way out. Love is giving up what I want for what God wants or needs me to do. Love takes time. Love takes perseverance. Love moves where God is moving.
We have been called to Live Love. 24/7. To our community, to our families, to our friends, to ourselves. We must Live Love.
Live Love. 24/7